So what business development tips have you got to share? I recently shared an article saying people should do less self/firm promotion and more community minded providing of insights. So here's some end-of-the-week BD tips from me to you. Let me know if you have any of your own to share.
- Be generous with your ideas. Holding back won't win a client or a favour.
- Connect WITH people and connect people TO people. Broadening your network and then connecting people within your network to each other is much more fun than thinking of everyone as 'only' a possible client.
- Who do you need to call first thing Monday to set up a face-to-face meeting with a purpose?
- Think about the best client work you did this week. What problem did you solve (and the client appreciated)? Who can you talk to next week that might have this same problem?
- Pat yourself on the back if you won something this week. Think about what you did RIGHT to win it. Do that again.