I'm about to head off on some leave, so here's the few tips I'm implementing before I go.
- I've scheduled at least one BD meeting per week for the first two weeks on my return to maintain my pipeline momentum.
- I have systems in place to handle incoming opportunities while I'm away in addition to the standard 'out of office' response. I don't want to leave an opportunity idle for two weeks waiting for my return. My recommendation: Give access to a trusted colleague who knows how to deal with these types of inquiries.
- My key clients know I'm going to be hard to catch, but also how to catch me if they need to. Again, it's easy to make a handful of quick calls to people to ensure they know they're important to me and they won't be surprised if I can't be reached.
- I'm doing something special on this trip which should fuel the stories I can share on my return. I find there's always a lesson or two that can be drawn for my work after I reflect on the ups and downs of a trip. Note - I'm not intending to be thinking about work while I'm on leave, but afterwards, I'll reflect on the adventure of it and wonder if I learned anything new.
- And finally, given this is close to the end of the financial year, I'm taking a moment to be thankful for another year of quality clients, quality networks and quality support. One of the key characteristics of 'rainmaker's is to be optimistic and I try to make sure I regularly look on the bright side of being in this market - who I know, who I serve, and the work I am allowed to do. It puts a smile on my face. Try it yourself.